

How soil microorganisms respond to global warming is key to infer future soil-climate feedbacks, yet poorly understood. In this study an international...


Congratulations to Christian Ranits, who successfully defended his MSc thesis on Friday 29th April 2022.

His thesis on “What controls microbial...


Congratulations to Sean Darcy, who successfully defended his MSc thesis on Wednesday 23rd March 2022. His thesis on “Drivers of the root mycobiome in...


Congratulations to Michaela Bachmann, who successfully defended her MSc thesis on Thursday 10th March 2022. Her thesis on “15N-isotope fractionation...


CMESS expresses its solidarity with Ukraine and endorses the plea of “The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities”, which calls for support...


Congratulations to Johanna Auer, who successfully defended her MSc thesis on Friday 21st January 2022. Her thesis on “Leaf hydraulic traits and...


Congratulations to Leila Hadžiabdić, who successfully defended her MSc thesis on Monday 17th January 2022. Her thesis on “Quantification of key genes...


Recently photoassimilated carbon and fungus-delivered nitrogen are spatially correlated in the ectomycorrhizal tissue of Fagus sylvatica:...


TER member Andreas Richter is - just as in the past years - among the most cited researchers in the world. Alongside his CMESS colleagues Holger Daims...


Congratulations to Felix Spiegel, who successfully defended his MSc thesis on Monday 8th November 2021. His thesis on “How do long-term fertilization...


Climate change is altering the frequency and severity of drought events. Recent evidence indicates that drought may produce legacy effects on soil...


Amplicon sequencing is routinely used in soil ecological research. However, soil-specific challenges and the nature of amplicon data present obstacles...