

Nicolas was awarded a highly competitive, 2-year Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoc fellowship from the European Commission. He also receives funding for...


Lili has been awarded a 2-year Lise Meitner Postdoc Fellowship by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for research into a hitherto unexplored and...


The possibility of using the elemental composition of species as a tool to identify species/genotype niches has been tested at the global scale by...


Congratulations to Alex, who successfully defended his MSc thesis on Thursday, December 10th 2020. His thesis on “Soil Microscale Priming: Concept and...


Congratulations to Andreas and Wolfgang, who are listed among the top-cited scientists internationally. In total 37 scientists from Austria are on...


Congratulations to Lucia Fuchslueger, who was awarded the EGU Soil Science Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award! The EGU, the European...


TER has an open 4-year Group Leader Position for an exceptional early career scientist. We are looking for highly qualified and ambitious candidates,...


Congratulations to Julia, who successfully defended her MSc thesis on Monday, September 28th 2020. Her thesis on “Life in a Jar – How to Build...


The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Sciences offers 15 fully funded PhD positions in diverse research areas ranging from molecular...


Congratulations to Carolina and Chupei, who successfully defended their MSc thesis on Thursday August 20th. Their theses on “Long-term responses of...


We are very happy that Hannes will join the staff of TER as a Senior Scientist on a permanent contract. He will strengthen our expertise in isotope...


A new concept, put forward by an interdisciplinary group of soil scientists and mathematical modellers looks at soil carbon persistence through the...