

Congratulations to Lisa and Qing, who successfully defended their PhD thesis on "Controls of Soil Microbial Carbon Cycling" (Qing, Friday April 5th)...


After a competitive review process Wolfgang has been appointed Full Professors for Physiological Ecology and Ecosystem Research as of April 1st, 2019....


Andreas Richter participated in a panel discussion at the Natural History Museum of Vienna organized by the Environmental Research Network of the...


Christina Kaiser has received an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project 'SomSOM: Self Organisation of microbial soil organic matter turnover'....


Andreas was listed among the top-cited scientists internationally in the category "cross field". In total 40

scientists from Austria are on this list...


Soil microorganisms control carbon losses from soils to the atmosphere, yet their responses to climate warming are often short-lived and...


In most terrestrial ecosystems, plant growth is limited by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Adding either nutrient to soil usually affects primary...


Scientific excellence and social relevance are two sides of the same coin. These days, it is commonplace to assert that science should be done in ways...


Yuntao successfully defended his PhD thesis "Decomposition and stabilization of soil high molecular weight organic nitrogen" on Thursday 24th August....


Congratulations to Victoria Martin and Werner Mayerhofer, who successfully defended their Master's thesis on Thursday July 19th. Their topics were...


Quantifying soil carbon dynamics is of utmost relevance in the context of global change because soils play an important role in land–atmosphere gas...


TER - the Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research - met at Schloss Drosendorf, an idyllic castle North of Vienna at the Czech border, for a two-day...