

Congratulations to Julia Wiesenbauer, who successfully defended her Master's thesis "Native soil organic matter composition affects the magnitude of...


Andreas Richter talks about his research on microbial carbon and nutrient cycling through ecosystems and their interactions with climate change in the...


Members of the Soil Ecology Research Group @ DMES were privileged to attend a Writing Science Workshop by Professor Josh Schimel, University of...


Landwirtschaftlich genutzte Böden mit Kohlenstoff anzureichern könnte helfen die CO2 Konzentration in der Atmosphäre zu verringern. Wie das...


TER - the Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research met at the Kahlenberg in the Vienna Woods for a one-day retreat on Monday February 26, 2018....


Arctic plant productivity is often limited by low soil N availability. This has been attributed to slow breakdown of N-containing polymers in litter...


Congratulations to Stefan Gorka, who successfully defended his Master thesis "Carbon and nitrogen exchange between plant roots, ectomycorrhizal fungi...


Jörg Schnecker has recently received funding for a new project called "SEACUE - Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon sequestration" from the...


The 15th Stable Isotope Network Austria (SINA) Meeting is organized by the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science and the Department of...


Most heterotrophic organisms feed on substrates that are poor in nutrients compared to their demand, leading to elemental imbalances that may...


Congratulations to Daniel Wasner and David Zezula, who successfully defended their Master thesis on ecological and physiological aspects of the...


A new Horizon 2020 project has been granted to a large European consortium for researching into “Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast”....