Publications @TER
Showing entries 421 - 430 out of 506
Kaiser C, Meyer H, Biasi C, Rusalimova O, Barsukov P, Richter A. Conservation of soil organic matter through cryoturbation in artic soils in Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2007;112:258-2017. doi: 10.1029/2006JG000258
Radchuk R, Radchuk V, Götz K-P, Weichert H, Richter A, Emery NRJ et al. Ectopic expression of phospheoenolpyruvat carboxylase in Vicia narbonensis seeds: effects of improved nutrient status on seed maturation and transcription regulatory networks. The Plant Journal. 2007;51(5):819-839.
Blöchl A, Peterbauer T, Richter A. Inhibition of raffinose oligosaccharide breakdown delays germination of pea seeds. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2007;164:1093-1096.
Inselsbacher E, Cambui CA, Richter A, Stange CF, Mercier H, Wanek W. Microbial activities and foliar uptake of nitrogen in the epiphytic bromeliad Vriesea gigantea. New Phytologist. 2007;175(2):311-320. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02098.x
Dojani S, Lakatos M, Rascher U, Wanek W, Lüttge UE, Büdel B. Nitrogen input by cyanobacterial biofilms of an inselberg into a tropical rainforest in French Guiana. Flora. 2007;(202):521-529.
Betson NR, Göttlicher S, Hall M, Wallin G, Richter A, Högberg P. No diurnal variation in rate or carbon isotope composition of soil respiration in a boreal forest. Tree Physiology: an international botanical journal. 2007;27(5):749-756.
Koranda M, Kerschbaum S, Wanek W, Zechmeister H, Richter A. Physiological responses of bryophytes Thuidium tamariscinum and Hylocomium splendens to increased nitrogen deposition. Annals of Botany. 2007;99(1):161-169. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcl239
Giesler R, Högberg MN, Strobel BW, Richter A, Nordgren A, Högberg P. Production of dissolved organic carbon and low-molecular weight organic acids in soil solution driven by recent tree photosynthate. Biogeochemistry: an international journal. 2007;(84):1-12.
Huber E, Wanek W, Gottfried M, Pauli H, Schweiger P, Arndt SK et al. Shift in soil-plant nitrogen dynamics of an alpine-nival ecotone. Plant and Soil: international journal on plant-soil relationships. 2007;301(1):65-76. doi: 10.1007/s11104-007-9422-2
Ribarits A, Abdullaev A, Tashpulatov AS, Richter A, Heberle-Bors E, Touraev A. Two tobacco proline dehydrogenases are differentially regulated and play a role in early plant development. Planta: an international journal of plant biology. 2007;225(5):1313-1324.
Showing entries 421 - 430 out of 506