Current Projects

Global change

If all microbial life disappeared from Earth, our world would change dramatically. Microorganisms are essential for nutrient recycling, decomposing...

Global change

The Arctic is warming more rapidly than any other region in the world. There, permafrost soils cover ~25% of terrestrial surface and hold the world's...

Nutrient cycling

Nitrogen (N) is essential for all life on Earth and the most abundant element in the atmosphere, where it mainly occurs as dinitrogen gas (N2)....

Nutrient cycling

The Amazon rainforest stores large amounts of carbon in plant biomass and in soils, and is an important sink for atmospheric CO2 setting off increased...

Nutrient cycling

Effects of bryophytes on soil microbial processes and nitrogen cycling.

In high latitude ecosystems bryophytes (mainly mosses) are important drivers...

Nutrient cycling

Priming effects of moss leachates on soil organic matter dynamics


Drying-rewetting cycles of bryophytes cause pulses of labile substrates leached...