Current Projects

SOM & carbon cycling

CryoCarb is an international project that includes seven research groups from Europe and Russia. Our main goal is to (i) advance organic carbon...

Global change

We are part of the Horizon 2020 project "EU-PolarNet - Connecting Science with Society", the world’s largest consortium of expertise and...

Nutrient cycling

Understanding the contribution of microorganisms to ecosystem processes remains one of the most compelling challenges in ecology and requires a high...

SOM & carbon cycling

Climate changes and elevated CO2 have major impacts on biogeochemical cycles, which may in turn feed back on the climate system. ClimGrass-C is a new...

Global change

The interregional IAEA project aims to improve the understanding of the impact of climate change on fragile polar and mountainous ecosystems on both a...

SOM & carbon cycling

Permafrost ecosystems hold more carbon than the atmosphere. There is mountain concern that rapid warming in the Arctic will accelerate the release of...