Permafrost coasts in the Arctic make up 34% of the world's coasts and represent a key interface for human-environmental interactions. These coasts provide essential ecosystem services, exhibit high biodiversity and productivity, and support indigenous lifestyles. At the same time, this coastal zone is a dynamic and vulnerable zone of expanding infrastructure investment and growing health concerns. Climate warming is affecting this fragile environment by triggering coastal landscape instability and increased hazard exposure.

The main goal of Nunataryuk is thus to determine the impacts of thawing land, coast and subsea permafrost on the global climate and on humans in the Arctic and to develop targeted and co-designed adaptation and mitigation strategies.

We are involved in WP 2 of Nunataryuk ‘Terrestrial Permafrost’. This WP intends to elucidate direct impact of terrestrial permafrost dynamics and thaw on the Arctic coastal zone and its inhabitants. It will largely investigate changes in the lateral fluxes of C and the processes most relevant to the land-sea interface.


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